Join Us for our Mission

To make the planet lively

Geo Link Foundation is committed to ensuring the right balance between development and environmental conservation is maintained. Acutely aware that the natural environment is often the greatest casualty of urbanization, the foundation through its intervention programs on environmental education, conservation and biodiversity emphasize the intricate value of our natural ecosystem services and the delicate balance required in order to prevent exerting excessive environmental stressors which might shift this balance negatively. Saving the only planet in the entire solar system capable of sustaining complex life is the main mission of Geo Link Foundation.

To save the Rain Water

Geo Link Foundation is committed to raising the capacities of communities in arid and semi-arid parts of Kenya to engage in rain water harvesting to alleviate the acute drought situation experienced in those regions. Through intervention measures such drilling water pans and installing water tanks at levels that enable water flow through gravity, communities in the Northern Frontier District of Kenya can enjoy a stable freshwater supply during the long rainy season. The above can also be coupled with irrigation measures that can enable the communities engage in subsistence agriculture to complement pastoralism which is the economic mainstay of the region.

To make Forests Greener

Forests are the Earth’s second largest carbon sink after the world’s oceans without which the process of sequestration would collapse and the planet would choke in a mass of carbon dioxide gas. Geo Link intends to implement programmes aimed at providing free seedlings to primary schools all over Kenya and coordinating massive tree planting exercises to complement ongoing Government efforts to increase the forest cover to the world UNEP recommended 10% tree cover. The above is to be undertaken concurrently with efforts aimed at discouraging charcoal burning and destruction of crucial water towers like the Mau Complex that are at great threat from encroachment.

To keep wildlife existence

Cognisant of the fact that much of existing wildlife in Kenya is increasingly joining the IUCN-RED List of threatened and endangered species, Geo Link Foundation plans to partner with other like minded conservationists in order to implement intervention programs aimed at reducing human-wildlife conflicts along dispersal areas and wildlife migration corridors that have become encroached with human settlements and illegal structures. Core to our value of biodiversity conservation, Geo Link strongly believes in protected areas management in National Parks and Reserves in order to ensure future generations get a chance to see and enjoy the continued existence of this threatened and endangered wildlife species.

To Prevent Marine Pollution

Geo Link strongly believes in the implementation of the various binding agreements and protocols as regards shared and transboundary water resources. In particular, the United Nations Law of the Seas-UNCLOS and the Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and their disposal are key to Geo Links strategies of ensuring Marine Pollution off the East African Coast is prevented. In this regard, we seek strategic partners and donors to enable us build capacities for monitoring oil spillages by freighters and oil waste disposal by the maritime industry. Programs in this regard are driven by the fact that the largest biodiversity in the planet is found in the Marine Ecosystem with only a third of all known marine species having been documented to date.

To Create Enviromental Awareness

Geo Link Foundation seeks to increase environmental awareness through advocacy programmes aimed at involving communities in eco-friendly practices. Environmental ignorance can be blamed for a majority of terrestrial degradation taking place in around the globe today and by engaging communities through focus group discussions and implementing programmes after extensive public participation involving participatory planning methodologies, Geo Link intends to tap onto the rich indigenous knowledge resource pool held by communities in order to tackle ills such as charcoal burning, haphazardous agricultural practices that lead to soil erosion and degradation, water pollution, air pollution from exhaust fumes and GHGs especially CFCs that are still widely used in the African continent.

Geo Link has established professional partnerships and alliances with firms that possess similar strategies, visions and goals in regards to promoting sustainable development in Kenya and the entire East African Region.